Category: Privacy

Date: March 2003

Reviewed/Revised: January 2020


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) requires that EVMS Medical Group post our Privacy Practices in areas accessible to patients. We ask that all patients sign an acknowledgment stating that they received or have been offered a copy of the EVMS Medical Group Notice of Privacy Practices. That being said, a patient’s refusal to sign does not prevent us from using or disclosing that patient’s health information as HIPAA permits, though we must maintain a record of the refusal, as indicated below. The Privacy Notice is written in "plain" language and includes examples of EVMS Medical Group use and disclosure of PHI.

  1. Dissemination of Privacy Notice
    1. The Privacy Notice should be prominently displayed in each Clinical Department.
    2. Copies of the Privacy Notice should be given to a patient upon request.
    3. All new patients should be given or offered the Privacy Notice upon their first visit to the Clinical Department.
  2. Acknowledgment of Receipt of Privacy Notice
    1. A patient/personal representative/guardian/parent should initial the appropriate section of the “Patient Information Form” to indicate that they have received the Privacy Notice.
    2. When you are unable to get an acknowledgment signed or initialed (i.e., refusal), indicate on the “Patient Information Form” that you are unable to get a signature and the date the Privacy Notice was provided to the patient.
  3. Availability of Privacy Notice
    1. The most current copy of the Privacy Notice should be readily available to patients desiring a copy.
    2. The Privacy Notice will be displayed on the EVMS website, and can be emailed to a patient upon request.
  4. Revision of Privacy Notice
    1. Revisions to the Privacy Notice should be coordinated through the Privacy Office.
    2. In the event there is a change to the Privacy Notice, all old copies of the Privacy Notice should be discarded. The most current Privacy Notice should be displayed and available to patients.